Sourceleakhacker - Web application source leak scanner

Sourceleakhacker is a multithreaded web directories scanner. with this tool you can get complete report of website web directories and this tool work on both linux and termux


  1. Arguments parser.
  2. Store scan result into csv file.
  3. Support for multiple urls (from file).
  4. Add help comments for every params.
  5. Update Usage.
  6. Adjust dictionary elements order systematically.
  7. Change logger in order to suite for both windows and linux.
  8. Add log level.
  9. Update Screenshots.
  10. Retry and avoid deadlock
  11. Store scan result into sqlite database.
  12. Download small url contents, then store them into sqlite database

Install and use Sourceleakhacker

Step 1:

The first step you need to download the “Sourceleakhacker” tool with the following command

									git clone				

download the tool

Step 2:

Now change it’s directory with the “cd” command

									cd SourceLeakHacker				

Sourceleakhacker – Web application source leak scanner

Step 3:

Now it’s need some requirements to run the “sourceleakhacker” python package so execute the following commands 

									pip install -r requirements.txt				

Sourceleakhacker – Web application source leak scanner

Step 4:

Now it’s ready to run. select you target website and execute the following command 

									python3 --url				

Sourceleakhacker – Web application source leak scanner

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