007-TheBond-gather information

 Hello, guy's welcome to another article in this article we are going to discuss how to get victims' or friends' personal information with this TheBond tool.

Information about the bond Script

OSNIT Script, which let help you to find the information of your Friend, Family, the crush that doesn't talk to you, and your enemies.

Tested Platform

  • Kali Linux
  • Parrot Linux
  • Termux ( find Instagram user is not working currently)
  • Garuda Linux


  • Instagram osnit
  • Phonenumber Osnit
  • Search Username Across the Social Media
  • Search the web
  • IP lookup
Disclaimer-DeadShot0x7 will not responsible if you misuse the script , by using the script you're that you will be responsible for the loss you have made.

How to download and install Thebond Tool

Step 1:

First, you download the 007-TheBond tool so type this below command in your terminal this command will help you to clone the package.

Step 2:

Once you download Thebond tool in your terminal just type this below command this will help you to change your directory.
cd 007-TheBond

Step 3:

Once you change the directory now type this below command this will help you to install all requirements of this tool.
pip install -r Requirments.txt or run setup.sh

Step 4:

Now you give permission to read write and execute all required fills so type this below command.
chmod +x * 

Step 5:

Once you give permission for all packages type this below command to execute this tool in your terminal.
python3 007-TheBond.py
Now you can use the above tool's to get victim information

Download this script various platform

Linux :

  1. Clone the Repository by using git clone command
  2. git clone 007-TheBond
  3. cd 007-TheBond
  4. pip install -r Requirments.txt or run setup.sh
  5. python3 007-TheBond.py

Macintosh :

  1. Clone the Repository by using the git clone command
  2. git clone 007-TheBond
  3. cd 007-TheBond
  4. pip install -r Requirments.txt or run setup.sh
  5. python3 007-TheBond.py

Termux :

  1. Clone the Repository by using git clone command
  2. git clone 007-TheBond
  3. cd 007-TheBond
  4. pip install -r Requirments.txt or run setup. sh
  5. python3 007-TheBond.py

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