Manage your Onion Services via CLI

Onion Services – This project was started after seeing the amazing OnionShare CLI python scripts, which possibilities ephemeral onion services that never touch the disk and can be run on Tails or Whonix easily.

Then after seeing the Raspi Blitz onion service bash script for the Raspberry Pi, the idea to port it to any Debian distribution started. As the idea grew, using GNU Bash and Linux was a single point of failure 1 2, so the making the script POSIX compliant to be compatible with any Unix-like system was a definitive goal.

Download and install the onion services

Step 1:

First of all we need to install the “OnionJuggler” tool so type the below command in your terminal

									git clone				

Manage your Onion Services via CLI

Step 2:

Now change the directory with “cd” command

									cd onionjuggler				

Manage your Onion Services via CLI

Step 4:

After completing the above steps execute the below command to run the onion services tool


Manage your Onion Services via CLI

If you need to install this tool please execute the below command in your terminal

									bash -i				

Manage your Onion Services via CLI


Enable Services

Create directory if not existent (HiddenServiceDir), select onion version (HiddenServiceVersion), custom socket type being unix or tcp, up to two virtual ports, up to two targets (HiddenServicePort).

Disable services

Remove service configuration from the torrc, the service will not be accessible anymore, but you can enable it again any time you want. Optionally purge the service, deleting its configuration and directory, which will delete its keys permanently.

Renew Service address

Focused on private onion services, if you ever leak its address, you can change its hostname, beware all of your authorized clients will be disconnected and the service keys will be permanently deleted.


Show hostname, clients, torrc block, qrencode hostname.


The script tries its best to filter invalid commands and incorrect syntax. The commands are not difficult but at first sight may scare you. Don’t worry, if it is invalid, it won’t run to avoid tor daemon failing to reload because of invalid configuration. If an invalid command runs, please open an issue.

Download onion Github Tool

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