18+Facebook-Phishing.Hack Facebook

Hackers are finding new tricks to hack Facebook, the most common of which is the phishing trick used by hackers. This is because creating a phishing page is very simple. However, the phishing page that can be created must convince the target.


  1. Upload All Files to any hosting site. I recommend 000webhost.com
  2. Now unzip files using unzip.php
  3. Open Login.php and edit this line and replace it with your invite link
  4. Open email.php and replace it with your Gmail address
  5. Now send the phishing link to the victim. All credentials like Username Password Will be sent to your Gmail.
  6. Also, Credentials like Name, address, zip code, phone number will also be sent to Gmail if victims use Auto-filling in the browser for entering credentials



Developed by : swagkarna + penampuanar + Hided For Privacy


If you did not receive an email in your Inbox then check in the Spam Folder. Also If your hosting provider does not support sending emails. Then no problem All logs will also be saved in the sensitiveinfo.txt file

Disclaimer :

Usage of this tool for attacking targets without prior mutual consent is illegal. It's the end user's responsibility to obey all applicable local, state, and federal laws. Developers assume no liability and are not responsible for any misuse or damage caused by this program.


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