Wifi Jammer-jam all wifi network with linux

From this article I’m going to teach you how to use WiFi Jammer. In this tool jam any WiFi network without any coding.

About tool

WiFi jammer is a bash script. this script to perform jam on WiFi clients/routers and spam many fake AP



  • Takedown with SSID
  • Takedown all channels
  • Spam many fake AP

How to install and use WiFijammer

Step 1:

First we need to download the WiFijammer package so type this below command on your terminal.

git clone https://github.com/OnlineHacKing/WifiJammer.git

Step 2:

Change directory root to WiFi Jamer directory so type this below command on your terminal.

cd WifiJammer

Step 3:

Now give permission to read write and execute of all bash scripts so type this below command on your terminal.

chmod +x *

Step 4:

Once you give permission to install WiFi jammer on your Linux so type this below command on your terminal.

sudo ./install.sh

Step 5:

Once you install WiFi jamer on your Linux now you jam WiFi networks with help of this below command’s

sudo ./WifiJamOnlineHacking.sh

jam all wifi networks
WiFi jammer

Demo Video

DISCLAIMER: This information is only for educational purpose and we are not responsible for any kind of illegal activity done by this tool.


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