From this article I’m going to teach you how to use WiFi Jammer. In this tool jam any WiFi network without any coding.
About tool
WiFi jammer is a bash script. this script to perform jam on WiFi clients/routers and spam many fake AP
- Macchanger
- Mdk3
- Nmcli
- Takedown with SSID
- Takedown all channels
- Spam many fake AP
How to install and use WiFijammer
Step 1:
First we need to download the WiFijammer package so type this below command on your terminal.
git clone
Step 2:
Change directory root to WiFi Jamer directory so type this below command on your terminal.
cd WifiJammer
Step 3:
Now give permission to read write and execute of all bash scripts so type this below command on your terminal.
chmod +x *
Step 4:
Once you give permission to install WiFi jammer on your Linux so type this below command on your terminal.
sudo ./
Step 5:
Once you install WiFi jamer on your Linux now you jam WiFi networks with help of this below command’s
sudo ./
Demo Video
DISCLAIMER: This information is only for educational purpose and we are not responsible for any kind of illegal activity done by this tool.
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