How to hack android phone with termux - fatrat

In this article I’m going to show you how to hack android phone with termux using fatrat tool. fatrat is one of the best tool to make android payload and it’s capture every information about victim.

This tool have so many feature like screen recorder, call log, camera recorder, etc.


  1. Termux or linux
  2. Nodejs
  3. Npm
  4. Ngrok


  1. Screenshot Capture
  2. Screen Recorder
  3. Rear Camera Recorder
  4. Front Camera Recorder
  5. Lock Device
  6. GPS Logging
  7. Microphone Recording
  8. View Contacts
  9. SMS Logs
  10. Send SMS
  11. Call Logs
  12. View Installed Apps
  13. View Stub Permissions
  14. Live Clipboard Logging
  15. Live Notification Logging
  16. View WiFi Networks (logs previously seen)
  17. File Explorer & Downloader
  18. Command Queuing
  19. Built In APK Builder

How to install nodejs?

Node.js is a JavaScript runtime built on Chrome’s V8 JavaScript engine. type this below command on your terminal


pkg install nodejs


sudo apt install nodejs

How to install Npm?

npm is two things: first and foremost, it is an online repository for the publishing of open-source Node.js projects; second, it is a command-line utility for interacting with said repository that aids in package installation, version management, and dependency management

Now type this below command on your terminal this command will help you to install npm on your device


apt install npm


sudo apt install npm

How to hack android phone with termux?

Step 1:

First we need to download fatrat package so click this below download button

download button

Once you download extract this tool on your device with password = if you are a termux user means move this into termux.

Step 2:

Now change your directory into server directory so type this below command on your terminal

cd server 

How to hack android phone with termux
Change Directory

Step 3:

Now open maindb.json file once you open this file you can see username and password but the password was hash format so we can’t decrypt that password but we can change therefore change that password this following way

Hack android phone

how to hack android phone
view username and password

Now open Md5 hash generator and change your password into hash format

how to hack android phone on termux
Hash password generator

Once you generate hash format just cope and past your maindp.json file password location see this below image

how to hack android phone
Change password

Once you change your password means just save it.

Step 4:

Once you complete above all steps now type this below command on your terminal with server directory

npm install

How to hack android phone on termux
Npm install

how to hack android phone on termux
Complete Npm installation

Step 5:

Now you need to execute this tool on your terminal so type this below command on your terminal.

node index.js

hack android phone

Once you execute was completed then find your ip address so open new terminal and type this below command.




sudo ifconfig

how to hack android phone
Get IP Address

copy your ip address and open your browser once you open browser just past your coped ip address with 22533 port number

example: http://(your ip address):22533

hack android phone

Now type username and password once you type your dashboard will open see this below image

hack android
Our Dashboard

Now open apk builder section and build your payload once your payload was generated means install your victim phone and get every information at any time.

android phone hacking fatrat
build payload

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