Discovering connected clients information-post connection attack

In this article I’m going to teach you discovering connected clients information on same WiFi network. All the attacks we carried out pre-connection attack or gaining access we weren’t connected to a network. But now we are going to be talking about post-connection attack that means the attacks that we can do after connecting to the network.

So many ways or there on discovering the connected clients that’s are given below.

  1. Netdiscover
  2. Autoscan
  3. Nmap

1. Netdiscover

Net-discover is a program that can be used to discover the connected device to our current network, it’s very quick to show information but not show detailed information it’s show only IP address, MAC address and some times the hardware manufacturer for the client’s wireless card.

How to use Net-discover?

Net-discover is pre-installed application on linux so you just type this below command on your terminal this command will show all connected clients information.

netdiscover -i wlan0 -r (your ip address/24)

Discover connected clients information

2. Autoscan

Auto-scan is another tool that can be used to discover the connected clients to our current network, it’s not as quick as net discover, but it shows more detailed information about the connected devices and it has a graphical user interface.

Step 1:

First you need to download autoscan tool so click this below download butoon

download buttonOnce your download was completed just extract that zip file and follow this below command to install that tool on your device


discover device information

The 3rd tool is namp as usual you know about nmap tool but you can discover all device information from android device

Who is connected on my WiFi is a tool that tool shows all detail information of connected device on same WiFi network

discover detailed information of connected wifi
Android application

Click this below download button to download this who is connected on my WiFi application

WhatsDelete app download

Discovering connected clients information.

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