Mass Mailer Attack - setoolkit tutorial

 Hello guy’s welcome to another article in this article we are going to discuss about how to do mass mailer attack in setoolkit.

How to use Mass Mailer Attack

Step 1: Choose mass mailer attack

First you type this below command this command will help you to open setookit in your terminal.

sudo setoolkit

Once you open setoolkit tool in your terminal choose first option 1. Social -Engineering Attack Now you can see 10 module but you choose 5th option Mass Mailer Attack.

Social Engineer Toolkit Mass E-Mailer

There are two options on the mass e-mailer, the first would be to send an email to one individual person. The second option will allow you to import a list and send it to as many people as you want within that list.
    1.  E-Mail Attack Single Email Address
    2.  E-Mail Attack Mass Mailer

Step 2: choose Attack option

Now you choose which option you want I choose first option E-Mail attack single email address see this below image

Step 3: Choose victim Email

Once you choose attack option type your victim email address. see this below image.

Once you type your victim mail address you can see this below two option


1. Use a gmail Account for your email attack.
2. Use your own server or open relay
Now you choose which option you want i choose 1st option Use a gmail account for your email attack

Once you choose this above option then you need to type your gamil address and password and body of the message see this below image.

Before this step you need to enable your gmail less secure option

How to enable less secure apps

First you open your gmail from google chrome then you select manage your google account button see this below image.

Then you choose security option to gamil once you choose it you can see less secure app access see this below image



Now you just enable less secure apps see this below image.


NOTE: IF you enable less secure apps in your gmail account your account vulnerable.

Step 4: Sent message to victim

If you follow this above all steps now your message’s was sent to your victim see this below image.

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