Create Payload and Listener - setoolkit tutorial

Hello guy’s welcome to another article in this article we are going to discuss about create a payload and listener in setoolkit.
Create a Payload and Listener - setoolkit tutorial

How to use create a payload and listener

Step 1: Choose create payload and listener module

First you type this below command this command will help you to open setookit in your terminal.

sudo setoolkit

Once you open setoolkit tool in your terminal choose first option 1. Social -Engineering Attack Now you can see 10 module but you choose 4th option Create a payload and listener.
Create a Payload and Listener - setoolkit tutorial

Step 2: Choose payload and ip address

Now you can choose any payload under this payload and listener module see this below image
Create a Payload and Listener - setoolkit tutorial

Once you choose payload just type ip address if youy don’t know your ip address just type this below command in your new terminal

sudo ifconfig

Then you type port number which you want once you type your port number your payload will be saved in /root/.set/payload.exe

And finally this tool ask you want to start the payload and listener now? now you just type YES

Step 3: Share payload to victim

Once you complete this above steps you will get one shareable link just copy and sent that link to victim.
Create a Payload and Listener - setoolkit tutorial

Once your victim click your link you get session see this below image.

share the link to victim

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