Darkside-The best hacking Tool Information Gathering & social engineering

 Hello guy’s, welcome to another article, In this article we are going to discuss about how To install and use Darkside tool in linux this tool is one of the best social engineering tool these have lot’s of option like, hacker news, new exploit, hacking tutorial video


  • Update linnux up-to-date
  • Python package
  • Git package
  • Php package

Tested Platform’s

  • Windows
  • Linux


  • Hacker News [thehackernews.com/]
  • New Exploits [Exploit-db.com]
  • Hacking Tutorials Video [youtube.com]
  • The Latest Prices OF Digital Currencies [Rials , Usd]

How to download and use Darkside

Step 1:

First you download Darkside tool in your terminal with help of git package.

git clone https://github.com/ultrasecurity/DarkSide.git

Step 2:

Now change the directory so type this below command in your terminal.

cd DarkSide

Step 3:

Now type this below command this will help you to install all requirement’s of DarkSide package.

pip install -r requirements.txt

Step 4:

Now give permission to read, write and execute of python file in your terminal so type this below command.

chmod +x *.py

Step 5:

Now type this below command to execute this python file in your terminal.

python run.py

If you get any error means type this below command to install python3.8 package after that execute python file 

sudo apt-get install python3.8 

Hacker Dashboard

Information Gathering 

  • Bypass Cloud Flare
  • Cms Detect
  • Trace Toute
  • Reverse IP
  • Port Scan
  • IP location Finder
  • Show HTTP Header
  • Find Shared DNS
  • Whois
  • DNS Lookup


  • Reference exploit-db.com

Social Engineering

[Support Ngrok]

  • Get system Information with link
  • Screen Captrue With Link
  • Play Sound With Link

How to install Darkside Tool in windows

Just you follow this below procedure one by one
Download https://github.com/Ultrasecurity/DarkSide 
cd DarkSide
python -m pip install -r requirments.txt
Download PHP V-7 in php.net AND Add To Path php.exe
python run.py


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