Android Reverse Engineering WorkBench for VS Code-APKLab

APKLab seamlessly integrates the best open-source tools: Apktool, Jadx, uber-apk-signer and more to the excellent VS Code so you can focus on app analysis and get it done without leaving the IDE.


  • Decode all the resources from an APK
  • Disassemble the APK to Dalvik bytecode aka Smali
  • Decompile the APK to Java source
  • Analyze & Hack effectively with feature-rich VS Code
  • Build an APK from Smali and resources
  • Rebuild an APK in Debug mode for dynamic analysis
  • Sign the APK seamlessly during the build
  • Install the APK directly from VS Code
  • Support for Apktool-style projects (apktool.yml)
  • Support for most Apktool CLI arguments
  • Android resource frameworks management (Coming soon!)
  • Support for user-provided keystore for APK signing
  • Download and configure missing dependencies
  • Excellent Smali language support with Smalise
  • Supports Linux, Windows, and Mac

Getting Started

Open Apk or Apktool project

  • Open the Command Palette (Ctrl+Shift+P) ➜ APKLab: Open an APK
  • Or Just open an existing Apktool project folder

ReBuild and Sign APK

  • Right-Click on or inside apktool.yml file ➜ APKLab: Rebuild the APK

Install APK to Device

  • Right-Click on .apk file (in dist directory) ➜ APKLab: Install the APK


  • JDK 8+

Run java -version in your Shell, if not found download from here.

  • adb

Run adb devices in your Shell, if not found check this guide.

It makes working with smali files a breeze.



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