Hello guy’s in this article we are going to discuss about how to recover deleted files with Microsoft windows file recovery tool.
Now so may recovery software are there but most of them paid software’s some free software also there but they restricted some futures so if you recover deleted files you should be purchase.but now Microsoft release new free windows recovery tool. this tool recover all files and permanently deleted files also.
System requirement’s?
Os : Windows 10 version 19041.0 or higher
Architecture : ARM, ARM64, x64, x86
How to install windows file recovery tool?
First you open your Microsoft store then search “windows file recovery” the result will be below image
Direct download link:
Once it’s installed, open your Start menu and search for “File Recovery.” Launch the “Windows File Recovery” shortcut once and click “Yes” to the UAC prompt.
How to recover deleted files?
To use this tool first you type this “winfr”command then type which drive you want to recover “C:” then which place to save your recover files “D:” You must save the deleted file to a different drive.
winfr (source-drive) (destination-drive) /Switches
Which mode you should use?
Before you continue, you should determine the “mode” you want to scan for the deleted file. There are three modes
1.Default mode
Default is the fastest mode
2.Segment mode
Segment is similar but slower and more thorough
3.Signature mode
Signature mode can search for files by type—it supports ASF, JPEG, MP3, MPEG, PDF, PNG, and ZIP files. (Searching for “ZIP” files will also find Office documents stored in formats like DOCX, XLSX, and PPTX.)
How to recover file in default mode?
To use the default mode, you use /n followed by a search path
To search for all DOCX files on drive C: and copy them to drive D:, you’d run the following command:
winfr C: D: /n *.docx
You will have to type “y” to continue
Once the recovery completed you’ll find the recovered files in a directory named “Recovery_[date and time]” on the destination drive you specified in the command line
To find all files with a word in their name, use wildcards. So, to find all documents with “like” anywhere in their name, you’d run:
winfr C: D: /n *like*
You can specify multiple searches with multiple /n switches. So, to find all Word, Excel, and PowerPoint files, you’d run the following
winfr C: D: /n *.docx /n *.xlsx /n *.pptx
To search for a specific file named important_document.pdf that was in the UsersErrorsfindDocuments folder on drive C:—and then save it to drive D:—you’d use
winfr C: D: /n UsersErrorsfindDocumentsimportant_document.pdf
How to recover file in segment mod?
Segment mode works almost exactly like Default mode. To use segment mode, which examines file record segments, you use /r in addition to /n
to recover all deleted MP3 files from your C: drive and save them to your D: drive, you’d run
winfr C: D: /r /n *.mp3
So, if a Default mode search doesn’t find what you’re looking for, add the /r and try again.
How to recover file in signature mod?
Signature mode works a bit differently. It examines file types, so it can only find deleted files of certain file types. To use Signature mode, you use /x to specify Signature mode and /y: to list the file type groups you’d like to search for.
Here’s a list of supported file types and the groups they’re sorted into, taken from Microsoft’s documentation
ASF: wma, wmv, asf
JPEG: jpg, jpeg, jpe, jif, jfif, jfi
MP3: mp3
MPEG: mpeg, mp4, mpg, m4a, m4v, m4b, m4r, mov, 3gp, qt
PDF: pdf
PNG: png
ZIP: zip, docx, xlsx, pptx, odt, ods, odp, odg, odi, odf, odc, odm, ott, otg, otp, ots, otc, oti, otf, oth
winfr /#
Now if you want to search drive C: images in JPEG format and save them to drive D: you did run the following command.
winfr C: D: /x /y:JPEG
You can specify multiple file groups by separating them with a space. So, if you want to find JPEG files, PDFs, and Word documents, you’d run
winfr C: D: /x /y:JPEG,PDF,ZIP
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