How to install Love-Dose tool in termux

 Hello guys in this article we are going to discuss about how to install LOVE-DOSE tool in our termux. This tool will help you to capture gmail username and password.


  • Android 5.0 and above
  • Termux
  • Php
  • Ngrok

How to install php?

Type this below command to install php. This php will help you to develop Static websites or Dynamic websites or Web applications.

pkg install php

How to install Love-Dose tool?

 Step 1:

First you install git package this package will help you to clone the package. type this below command to install git package.

pkg install git

Step 2:

Once you install git package type this below command to your termux this command will help you to download the Love-Dose tool.

git clone

Step 3:

Now you type this below command this command will help you to open Love-Dose folder (change directory)

cd Love-Dose

Step 4:

Once you open this folder type this below command this command will help you to change permission of read, write and execute this shell script.

chmod +x

Step 5:

Now you type this below command this command will help you to run this love-dose tool.


Now this tool give warning alert you just type yes and continue

Step 6:

After you type yes command this tool will give two option to forwarding port 

You choose anyone but i suggest ngrok 

Step 6:

Now you get one link.copy this link and sent to victim. if do not create link means just on your hotspot and again run this tool.


If victim click this link this link will show blow image.

And also capture this below data’s

  1. Victim ip address
  2. User-Agent
  3. Hostname
  4. Ip continent
  5. Ip country
  6. As number
  7. Internet speed
  8. Ip currency

If victim type their username and password that’s also capture and showing in your termux.

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