Whatsapp Crash by sending Only One Text

What we are going to see in this post is about the WhatsApp crash tool, this tool is fully integrated with the python program and this tool can be used on Linux and termux and this tool is very easy to use.

If you ask how this works, you have to create a message using this tool and send that message to your target whatsapp number. Your target opens your message and their device hangs.

Install whatsapp crash tool on termux

First, you need to download this WA_CRASHER tool in your termux and for that, you need to type the below command in your termux terminal.

									git clone https://github.com/hackerxphantom/WA_CRASHER.git				
Whatsapp Crash by sending Only One Text
Output for downloading the whats-app crash tool

Now change the directory to WA_CRASHER tool so execute the following command on your termux

									cd WA_CRASHER				
Whatsapp Crash by sending Only One Text
Output for changing the directory

Now you need to execute this tool with python and for that type the below command.

									python3 WA_CRASHER.py				
Whatsapp Crash by sending Only One Text
Output for execute the tool

After you execute the WA_CRASHER tool first you need to type your country code and then you need to type your target WhatsApp number after doing this you will get WhatsApp popup open

Whatsapp Crash by sending Only One Text
Output for getting wahtsapp popup

Click on the WhatsApp popup that will open now it will go directly to your target number message box and then click send message button and send the message to your target.

Whatsapp Crash by sending Only One Text
Output for sending the crash message

That’s it, I hope this post is very useful for you and if you have any doubt you can ask me through the below command section.

Download Github Tool

How to protect yourself?

If you want to protect yourself from this WhatsApp-crushing attack, you should not open the message and then not put your finger on the message, better than that, you should delete the unknown message without opening it.

By doing this you can completely protect yourself from this attack.

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