How to use netmask on Linux

Today we are going to look at how to use the Netmask tool in this Linux tutorial section. This tool is pre-installed on Linux and if you do not have this tool on your device you can install it using the command given below.

									sudo apt install netmask				

If you want to run this Netdiscover tool on your Linux you need to type the command sudo netdiscover in the terminal and run it. And there is another way in Linux by clicking on the Linux logo in the top left side corner and information gathering > Route Analysis > Netmask

What is netmask?

This program accepts and produces a variety of common network address and netmask formats. Not only can it convert address and netmask notations, but it will optimize the masks to generate the smallest list of rules. This is very handy if you’ve ever configured a firewall or router and some nasty network administrator before you decided that base 10 numbers were good places to start and end groups of machines.

Usage of netmask tool

First, execute the below command in your terminal to find the version of this tool.

									netmask -v				
How to use netmask on Linux
Output for netmask version

Now you can use the following command format to perform a default search in this tool

How to use netmask on Linux
Output for net-mask basic scan

Now we can find the pairs using the command given below

									netmask -s				
How to use netmask on Linux
Output for netmask pairs

Now we can find CIDR format IP address with the following commands 

									netmask -c				
How to use netmask on Linux
Output For Netmask CIDR scan

If  you need to get a Cisco style address list means please execute the below command on your terminal. 

									netmask -i				
How to use netmask on Linux
Output for netmask cisco style address

Then now if you need to find a ip address range you should type the below string in your terminal.

									netmask -r				
Output for netmasks ip address range

That’s it. I hope this post will help you to know how to use netmasks tool and if you have any query you can ask me through command section below.

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