Phishbait - termux phising tool

Phishbait is a tool that has many social media phishing pages. This tool can be used on Linux and termux.

This tool works just like any other phishing tool i.e. you can first use this tool to create a link and send it to your target to know the username password of your target.

How to install phishbait tool

Install pre-request

We need to install the two most important package required to run this tool.

1. Wget

This wget package is used to download a tool or a zip or rar file directly to termux. To install this tool on your termux run the following command.

									pkg install wget				
Phishbait – termux phising tool
Output for installing the wget tool on termux

2. Unzip

This unzip package is used to expand a zip file. Install the unzip tool with the below commands.

									pkg install unzip				
Phishbait – termux phising tool
Output for installing unzip tool on termux

Install the Ngrok on Termux

ngrok is used for port forwarding which means that the phishin links that we can usually create work only on the local server and we must use ngrok if we want to send them to another location and get information from them.

First you need to go to the ngrok site and create an account for yourself then copy the ngrok download link in your account and type the following and paste it in your termux.

									wget (your ngrok download link)				
How to install ngrok on termux
Output for downloading the ngrok

Now to unzip the downloaded ngrok zip file, type in your termux as shown below and press enter.

									tar -xvzf (your ngrok zip file name)				
How to install ngrok on termux
Output for unzip ngrok file

Now you need to give the ngrok tool the necessary permission to run on your termux so type the following command

									chmod +x ngrok				
How to install ngrok on termux
Output for giving permission to the ngrok

Now you have to login your ngrok account again in the browser and copy the authtoken for yourself and paste the termux.

How to install ngrok on termux
Output for copy ngrok authtoken
How to install ngrok on termux
Output for install ngrok authtoken to the termux

Install Phishbait tool

Before installing phishbait tool we need to install php package because without php package we cannot run phishbait tool.

									pkg install php				
Phishbait – termux phising tool
Output for installing the php package

Now download the phishbait tool with the below command

									git clone				
Phishbait – termux phising tool
Output for changing the phishbait directory

After downloading the tool you need to change the directory termux home to phishbait tool with the following command.

									cd Phishbait				
Phishbait – termux phising tool
Output for changing the directory

Run the phishbait tool

Watch the video below and run this tool.

I hope this post is very useful for you and you can ask me through the command section below if you have any doubts.

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