Infoooze Open-source intelligence tool

Infoooze is a New OSINT tool in NodeJs. It helps you to quickly find information about “something” effectively. Its a Global package so that you can easily use it independently from any directory. All you need is to input info such as website, ip, username… and it will take take care of rest.

You can install and use this tool on Linux and termux. In addition, 17 different osint tools are included in this tool.

  1. Insta Recon
  2. Subdomain Scanner
  3. Ports Scan
  4. User Recon
  5. Mail finder
  6. URL Scanner
  7. Exif metadata extract
  8. Whois Lookup
  9. IP Lookup
  10. Header Info
  11. Domain Age
  12. DNS Lookup
  13. UserAgent Lookup
  14. Git Recon
  15. Expand URL
  16. Instagram DP Viwer

How to install Infoooze tool on termux

Installing this tool on termux is very simple and you will need a few modules to install this tool on your termux and install them first.


You need NodeJs 10 or later to run this tool. You can install NodeJs


									sudo suapt-get install nodejs				

Although there is no need to install NodeJs on Kali Linux, as its packages are already present in Kali Linux.


									pkg install nodejs-lts python				
Infoooze Open-source intelligence tool
Output for installing the node-js module

After installing node-js you can install the infoooze tool on your termux using npm. To install this tool, type the following command on your terminal.

									 npm install -g -s infoooze				
Infoooze Open-source intelligence tool
output for infoooze tool installation process
Infoooze Open-source intelligence tool
output for infoooze tool installation completed

After installing the infoooze tool you can run this tool by typing infoooze.

You can also use infooze & infoze.

									infoooze [options] [value]				
Infoooze Open-source intelligence tool
Output for running infoooze tool

Tool Options

Short FormLong FormDescription
-n–dnslookupdomain name system lookup
-e–headerinfofind website headers
-p–iplookupfind IP info
-a–webscananalyze suspicious URLs
-m–mailfinderfind email with specific name
-t–portscanfind open ports
-x–exifextracts Exif metadata from image
-r–userreconusername reconnaissance
-w–whoislookupfind doamin’s whois info
-d–domainAgefind website Age
-s–subdomainfind subdomains of website
-h–helpOutput usage information
-c–subdomainreconfind subdomains passively
-g–gitreconfind github user info
-i–instaReconfind Instagram users info
-u–useragentfind browser info
-l–urlexpandlong url of shorten URL
-v–versionOutput the version number

Some Examples

To Get Instagram User Info

Even if you know the instagram name of your target, you can use it to know their complete information through this tool.

									infoooze -i <Target user id>				
Infoooze Open-source intelligence tool
Output for getting instagram user info

To Get Domain’s Whois Information

This tool tracks the whois information of a domain very accurately.

									infoooze -w				
Infoooze Open-source intelligence tool
Output for showing domain whois information

To Get Subdomains of website

									infoooze -s				
Infoooze Open-source intelligence tool
Output for showing website subdomain enumeration

To Get IP Information

									infoooze -p				
Infoooze Open-source intelligence tool
Output for showing ip address information

Intall Infoooze tool on linux

Installation Process is same as Termux

Using NPM

									sudo sunpm install -g -s infoooze				

Using Git

									npm install git+ssh:// -g				

I hope this post was very helpful to you and I want to share this post with your friends too. If you have any doubts about this post you can ask me through the command section.

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