WordPress Username Enumeration

WordPress Username Enumeration – WordPress is an excellent content management system (CMS) and has a large user base because of its ease of use. Although the WordPress team frequently updates security, hackers are finding new vulnerabilities.

In this post, we are going to look at how to enumerate WordPress user usernames, and most of the tools for enumerating word-press user names are in GitHub but most of them do not work properly. So use the tool I can recommend.

The tool we are going to use is called wpUsersScan, this tool works very fast and can be used on all devices like Linux Termux and windows.

WordPress Username Enumeration

First, we need to download the wpUsersScan tool so type the following command in your terminal.

									git clone https://github.com/R3K1NG/wpUsersScan.git				

WordPress Username Enumeration

Now convert your directory to the wpUsersScan tool.

									cd wpUsersScan				

WordPress Username Enumeration

Now you need a few modules to help to run this tool on your device so to install that module run and install the requirement.txt file attached to this tool.

									sudo pip install -r requirements.txt				

WordPress Username Enumeration

Now you can find the user name of your target WordPress website by running the following command in your terminal.

									python2 wpUsersScan.py ( Target Website address)				

WordPress Username Enumeration

This tool will not only find the admin username but also the author username that the admin may have created and displayed in a matter of minutes.

I hope this post was very helpful to you and I want to share this post with your friends. If you have any doubts you can ask me through the command section given below.

Download github tool

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