The new advanced web-phishing tool

Web-phishing – In this post, we are going to look at a new and better web-phishing tool. This tool has been linked to various social media websites. It is also very simple to use.

The novelty of this tool is that we can use it in the web interface. In addition, the tool is designed to be used on both Termux and Linux.


  1. Termux
  2. Internet 50 MB
  3. Php
  4. Storage 100 MB
  5. Ngrok Token

How to download and use web-phishing tool

Step 1: First, you need to download the web-phishing tool. Type the following command into your termux or Linux terminal.

									git clone				

The new advanced web-phishing tool

Step 2: If you are a Termux user, type the following command one after the other and install the required requirement for this tool.

									apt updateapt upgradepkg install gitpkg install zippkg install php				

Step 3: You can view the file after you change the directory. Now unzip this zip file.

									cd WEB-PHISHERunzip				

change directory
unzip the file

Step 4: Now use this tool on the web interface using the command given below.

									php -S localhost:4444				


Step 5: Now copy and paste the link below into your browser. Now you can see the web interface of this tool. The login password for this tool is “WEB-PHISHER“.


The new advanced web-phishing tool

Step 6: After you log in, click on the phishing link you want. Now, this web page is a redirect to the phishing page you clicked on.

The new advanced web-phishing tool
The new advanced web-phishing tool

Copy the phishing link of the selected social media and send it to your victim. They click on your link and type in the username and password so you can take care of it in your terminal.

To view the victim’s username and password, first press and hold Ctrl + C to stop the ongoing process in your terminal.

The new advanced web-phishing tool

Now Open the selected social media folder with the “cd” command and open the text file inside it so that you can see the username and password of the victim.

The new advanced web-phishing tool

Download github Tool

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