Termux Facebook video downloader

Facebook video downloader – Facebook is one of the best social media with that you can share photos, videos and chat with your friends and family. Facebook videos didn’t have a download option, but you can save them.

If you need to download Facebook videos to your SD card, you need to install another app. Most third-party applications require a username password. So do not use this type of application.

In this article I will teach you how to download Facebook videos with the Termux app. Termux is a Linux emulator with this app you can install all GitHub projects and program-based hacking tools. Now we used this app to download FB videos.

Facebook Video Downloader with termux

Step 1:

First of all we need to install the “Termux” application so click the below download button

Download Termux App

termux application

Once you install the Termux application you need to install some basic requirements these are all important to install any tool on termux

									pkg install gitpkg install pythonpkg install python2pip install requests				

Now you need to give the storage permission to termux because the downloaded video can be saved to the SD card


give storage permission

Install download manager

Step 2:

After complete the above process download the “Facebook-Downloader” tool so type the below command in your termux terminal.

									git clone https://github.com/Edi-ID/facebook-downloader.git				

Termux Facebook video downloader

Then change the directory with “cd” command

									cd facebook-downloader				

Termux Facebook video downloader

Step 3:

Now give permission to read write and execute of “main.py” python file so execute the following commands

									chmod +x main.py				

Step 4:

Now run the tool with following command and copy Facebook video URL and paste with terminal, Then type video saved location

									python main.py				

Termux Facebook video downloader

Now the video will be stored in your SD card

Termux Facebook video downloader

That’s it, you are done. this is way to download the Facebook video with termux. I hope this article help you! share with your friends.

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