Njrat Danger - The Best Windows Rat Tool

Njrat Danger – Njrat Danger Edition RAT is a well-established RAT tool for windows. That was initially created by a cybercriminal group. Now it is available for free you can download and use it.

This tool has lots of options and also has more payloads so we can create any payload which you want.

How to download and install the Njrat Danger tool?

Step 1:

First of all, we need to download and install the “Njrat Danger Edition Rat” tool so you just click the below download button

Download Njrat Danger Edition Rat

Step 2:

After downloading, open the installation file which will ask for an installation listener. Then you need to set the port and password and then just click on the save and start button

Njrat Danger – The Best Windows Rat Tool

Step 3:

Now click the “Builder” button on the bottom left said corner.

Njrat Danger – The Best Windows Rat Tool

Step 4:

Now don’t try to change anything other than adding a host address. After adding it, then click on the build option.

Njrat Danger – The Best Windows Rat Tool

Step 5:

After completing the above procedure you will get the payload. the payload location will be pop up you can get payload in that location

Njrat Danger – The Best Windows Rat Tool

Step 6:

Now send the payload to the victim if the victim clicks the payload means you will get the session. After getting the session you just click the right said button on the mouse you will see all controls options

hack windows

I hope this article helps you a lot. If you know of any other RAT tools mean please free to share the command below

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