How to increase Instagram followers with android

Every smartphone user should behave Instagram account and all that user interested increase their followers. but if anyone needs to increase our Instagram followers legally very though 

More online Instagram followers increase services are available but that’s are paid services and the price is very high so lot’s of users search for free services

In this article, I’m going to show you how to increase Instagram followers with termux or Linux without any cost

This is an Alert
The article is made for educational purposes only, so do not misuse it, if you use this tool at your own risk


  1. Bot Like Timeline
  2. Follow Followers Target by People
  3. Follow Followers Target by Media
  4. Follow Followers Target by Hashtags
  5. Follow Followers Target by Location
  6. Follow Followers Target by People – with DM
  7. Follow Followers Target by People – No Like
  8. Follow Followers Target by People – No Comment & Like
  9. Repost Media Target by People
  10. Repost Media Target by Hashtag
  11. Repost Media Target by Link
  12. Comment & Like Followers Target by People
  13. Comment & Like Followers Target by Hashtag
  14. Bom Like Target’s Post
  15. Bom Comment Target’s Post
  16. Unfollow Not Followback
  17. Unfollow All Following
  18. Delete All Media

How to increase Instagram followers for free?

Step 1:

First of all, we need to Download the “Instagram tools” Tool so type the below command in your Linux or Termux terminal

									git clone				

How to increase Instagram followers with android

Step 2:

Now change the directory to “Instagram-tools” so execute the below command in your terminal

									cd instagram-tools				

How to increase Instagram followers with android

Step 3:

Now install the requirements of this tool so type the following commands one by one on your termux

									LINUXsudo apt install nodejsTERMUXpkg install nodejs				

Step 4:

After completing the above steps execute the following command to run the Instagram followers increased tool on your terminal

									node index.js				

How to increase Instagram followers with android

Step 5:

Now choose the 7th option and give your account username and password.(If your account has two-factor authentication you should disable it)


Step 6:

After completing the above steps your Instagram followers increasing process will be started. see the below image

How to increase Instagram followers with android

Download Insta Followers Increasing Tool

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