HostHunder is a Python3 Osint tool that comes in the Kali Linux repository. This Tool Discover hostname provides a large set of target IP addresses
- Extracts information from SSL/TLS certificates.
- Supports Free HackerTarget API requests.
- Takes Screenshots of the target applications.
- Validates the target IPv4 address.
- Supports .txt and .csv output file formats.
- Gathers information from HTTP headers.
- Verifies Internet access.
- Retrieves hostname values from services at 21/tcp, 25/tcp, 80/tcp, and 443/tcp ports.
- Supports Nessus target format output.
How to Install and use HostHunter Tool?
Step 1:
First of all, we need to install the HostHunter tool to execute the following command in your kali-Linux machine
sudo apt install hosthunter
Step 2:
Now type the below command to check this tool has been properly installed or not and also learn the used parameter
hosthunter -h
Step 3:
If you need to check a single IP address means to type the following command in your terminal
hosthunter -t (Target IP Address)
Step 4:
Now we run this on HostHunter to resolve the hostnames of the above IP address and save our output on a CSV file by using the following command
hosthunter demoIP.list -f csv -o hosthunter
After completing the process just list out the directory
Now open the CSV file. the information page will be the below image
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