Websploit is an open-source framework used for testing web applications and networks. It is written in Python and uses modules to perform various tasks such as directory scanning, man-in-the-middle, and wireless attacks.
- Arp Spoof
- HTTP Sniffer
- Scan network
- Scan Wifi
- De-authentication attacks
- Create Fake access point
- Spamming fake access point
How to install the Websploit Tool?
Step 1:
First of all, we need to download the web-sploit tool so type the below command in your terminal
git clone https://github.com/websploit/websploit.git
Step 2:
Now change the directory to Websploit so execute the below command
cd websploit
Step 3:
Now Install this tool in your system so run the below commands on your terminal
sudo python3 setup.py install
Single command installation
sudo apt-get install websploit
Step 4:
After that, you just type the below command to execute this Tool in your system
Step 5:
After completing the above steps, you can use all modules to hack anyone. if you don’t know means see this below image
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