Kage - Graphical User Interface for Metasploit

Hello, a guy’s in this article we are going to discuss with “Kage” tool. It is specifically designed with creating the payload for the various platform. and interacted meterpreter session was a graphical interface that was most impressive


  1. Msfrpcd
  2. Msfvenom
  3. Msfdb

How to download and install the Kage tool?

Step 1:

First of all, we need to download the kage tool so click the below download button

Kage – Graphical User Interface for Metasploit

Download linux Kage Tool

Step 2:

Now we will go to the download location and open the terminal to give some permission so type the below command in your terminal. After that executing the kage tool

									sudo chmod +x Kage.0.1.1-beta_linux.AppImagesudo ./Kage.0.1.1-beta_linux.AppImage				

Kage – Graphical User Interface for Metasploit

Step 3:

After executing the command we will see the interface of the tool like the image below. then click on the start button which will start the database

Kage – Graphical User Interface for Metasploit

Step 4:

Here you can see that the tool is successfully has been established and has given the user and password for login.

Kage – Graphical User Interface for Metasploit

Step 5:

After doing all this you will see the complete interface of the tool. Now you will create the payload for which you want

generate payload

Step 6:

Here you can see that it has given a place of payload where after going we can share our payload to Victim.

get payload

Step 7:

Come back to the terminal and start the multi-handler by adding the following details. After doing all this when the victim will click on the payload then the meterpreter session will come to us.

start multi handler

Now We need to go to the session tab where we can interact with the meterpreter session.

get information

Now you can see that we have received the phone details of the victim. and also we have to access the all information

hack information

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