Nettacker - Automated Penetration Testing Framework

The OWASP Nettacker project was created to automate information gathering, scanning for vulnerabilities, and ultimately generating reports for the network, including services, errors, vulnerabilities, misconfigurations, and credentials. This software will use TCP SYN, ACK, ICMP, and many other protocols to discover and bypass Firewall / IDS / IPS devices. Use a uniform method in OWASP Nettacker to discover protected devices and services such as SCADA. This will be a competitive advantage over other scanners, making it one of the best.


  1. Python Multi Thread & Multi-Process Network Information Gathering Vulnerability Scanner
  2. Service and Device Detection ( SCADA, Restricted Areas, Routers, HTTP Servers, Logins and Authentications, None-Indexed HTTP, Paradox System, Cameras, Firewalls, UTM, WebMails, VPN, RDP, SSH, FTP, TELNET Services, Proxy Servers and Many Devices like Juniper, Cisco, Switches and many more… )
  3. Asset Discovery & Network Service Analysis
  4. Services Brute Force Testing
  5. Services Vulnerability Testing
  6. HTTP/HTTPS Crawling, Fuzzing, Information Gathering, and …
  7. HTML, JSON, CSV and Text Outputs
  8. API & WebUI

How to install and use the Nettacker tool?

Step 1: Install the Nettacker Tool

1. First of all, we need to install the Nettacker tool in our terminal, so run the following command.

									git clone				

Nettacker – Automated Penetration Testing Framework

2. Now change the directory to the Nettacker tool so type the below command in your terminal.

									cd Nettacker				

Nettacker – Automated Penetration Testing Framework

Step 2: Installing the requirement

Now type this below command in your Linux terminal this command will help you to install the requirements.

									pip install -r requirements.txt				

Nettacker – Automated Penetration Testing Framework

Step 3: Run the tool

After that run the python tool to get all information about a website.

Nettacker – Automated Penetration Testing Framework

Download Github Tool

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