FBSH - Facebook security hacking tool

FBSH – Hi guys from this article, I will show how to install the Hack Security Facebook tool in Termux and Linux

This Facebook security hacker tool can mass spam messages on FB by generating access tokens Before using the tool Generate your access token by logging into your Facebook account


  1. Generate Facebook Acces Token
  2. Mass Spam All Your Friends Phone Number
  3. Spam Your Friends Number From ID List
  4. Spam SMS Your Friends Only Number From ID
  5. Grab All Phone Number From Your FriendList
  6. Get Phone Number From ID
  7. Grab USERNAME From Your Friendlist
  8. Fast Grab ALL ID From Your Friendlist
  9. Grab Email From Your Friendlist
  10. Get Email From ID
  11. Fast Grab All Name From Your Friendlist
  12. Mass Spam Comment From Your Friends Wall POST ID
  13. (NEW) Spam Comment Friends POST Only With 1/10 Account

    Bot Auto Reactions From Your Wall post

  14. Fast Grab All ID+NAME From Your Friendlist
  15. Info

How to install and use the FBSH tool?

Step 1:

First of all, we need to download the FBSH tool so type the below command in your terminal.

This is an Alert
This tool is only to be used for educational purposes and as such ant harm caused by the tool I won’t be responsible for anything Use it wisely

									git clone https://github.com/TermuxHackz/fbsh.git				

FBSH – Facebook security hacking tool

Step 2:

Now change the directory to Fbsh so run the below command

									cd fbsh				

FBSH – Facebook security hacking tool

Step 3:

Then permit to read, write and execute of fbsh.py python file so execute the following command.

									chmod +x fbsh.py				

FBSH – Facebook security hacking tool

Step 4:

After that run the fbsh.py python file with the below commands

									python2 fbsh.py				

FBSH – Facebook security hacking tool

Once you have completed all the steps, you need to generate the Facebook access token first, after which you can use any option you want

Download the Facebook security hack tool

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