Username osint tool – Maigret is one of the best tools to find celebrities or victims on their social media accounts. This tool is linked with 500 social media websites so we can easily find our target.
This Maigret tool is created in the Go language and is compatible with Linux and Termux platforms.
- Go language
- Python package
How to install and use the username osint tool?
Step 1:
First, we need to download the Maigret username osint tool in our terminal so type the below command.
git clone
Step 2:
Now change the directory to the Maigret tool so type the following commands
cd maigret
Step 3:
Get-go language requirements so type the below on your terminal
go get
Step 4:
Now search target username with the below commands
go run maigret.go
This is one way to find a victim’s social media account, and now we need to introduce another method. There will be no Linux and Termux systems, because we can find them on the osint site.
Step 1:
First, click the below button to go the online osint tool website
Step 2:
Now type the username to find the availability and find the target social media account
Check username availability through websites
A lot of tools are available to check the username availability but now I’m going to show you websites
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