Camphish - Hack camera on android and windows

Camphish – All Android devices and Windows computers have a front camera on this camera. We are used to taking selfies or video calls, but hackers use this camera to view them. Yes, every hacker has hacked your front camera through the post link

What is CamPhish?

CamPhish is a technology for taking pictures of the target cell phone camera or computer web camera. CamPhish hosts a fake website on an embedded PHP server and uses ngrok and Servo to generate a link, which we send to a destination that can be used over the Internet. The website will ask for camera permission, if the target allows, this tool will take pictures from the camera of the target device.


  1. PHP
  2. Git
  3. OpenSSH
  4. wget

How to install the requirements?


									pkg install phppkg install gitpkg install opensshpkg install wget				


									sudo apt-get install phpsudo apt-get install gitsudo apt-get install opensshsudo apt-get install wget				

Tested Platform

  1. Kali Linux
  2. Termux
  3. macOS
  4. Ubuntu
  5. Parrot Sec OS

How to install the Camphish Tool?

Step 1:

First of all, we need to download the tool so type the below command on your terminal

									git clone				

Camphish – Hack camera on android and windows

Step 2:

Now change the directory to Camphish so type the following

									cd CamPhish				

Step 3:

Permit to read write and execute scripts so type the below commands

									chmod +x				

Camphish – Hack camera on android and windows

Step 4:

After that run the bash scripts so type this below command


Camphish – Hack camera on android and windows

Choose port forwarding option any one of two ngrok and After that choose templates

Camphish – Hack camera on android and windows

Step 5:

After completing all the above operations, you will get a ngrok link for sharing. Share this link on your target. If your target clicks on this link, it means you will get a front camera shot every 2 seconds.

Camphish – Hack camera on android and windows

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