FTP enumeration – FTP is a method of accessing and sharing files on the Internet. The protocol is a communication method between computers on a TCP/IP network. FTP is a purely TCP-based service and a client-server protocol used by the client to communicate with the server. …
The file transfer protocol can transfer files between all communicating computers and between computers with completely different operating systems. Anonymous FTP is a type of FTP that allows users to access files and other data without entering an ID or password.
Transferring files from the client computer to the server computer is called uploading.
Transferring from the server to the client is downloading.
How FTP works?
When establishing an FTP connection, two different communication channels are used.
- Port 21: The first is called the command channel, and commands and responses start from this channel.
- Port 20: Another data channel is called data distribution, but when we found that the data port is not always on port 20, we got confused, depending on the mode.
How to do FTP enumeration in Metasploit
Step 1:
First, we need to open the Metasploit framework on our terminal so type the below command. ftp enumeration
msfconsole -q
After that, we need to find the FTP modules so type the below quires in the Metasploit Terminal
search ftp type:auxiliary
Step 2:
Now choose which module you want to execute. I choose the auxiliary/scanner/ftp/anonymous module. If you select a module means to set that module with the use command
use auxiliary/scanner/ftp/anonymous
Step 3:
After that type the below quires that will help you to guide how to use the selected module
show options
Step 4:
Now we need to set the required parameter for example in our selected module is need RHOST so I set the RHOST with help of the set command. ftp enumeration
RHOST is Nothing but the Target IP Address.
Step 5:
After setting the required parameter type the run command.
Now the execution was completed. In my case, the target does not support the anonymous login.
This is the formate so you can use any module from the FTP but you will set the required parameter correctly so only the results were coming otherwise it shows an error. ftp enumeration
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