The best Termux pentest tools - Beyawak

In this article I’m going to show the best Termux pentest tools. The tool name is Beyawak this tool have some unique option for termux.


  1. Android version 5.0 and above
  2. Termux application
  3. Git package
  4. Python package

Tested platform

  1. Termux
  2. Linux
  3. Windows

Tool features

  1. Http header information
  2. admin panel finder
  3. Shell backdoor finder
  4. Dump friend id on facebook
  5. Subdomain scaneer
  6. Facebook auto update status

How to install Termux pentest tools

Step 1:

First you need download this package so type this below command on your terminal

git clone

Step 2:

Now change your directory root to beyawak directory so type this below command on your terminal

cd beyawak

Step 3:

Once you change directory give permission to read write and execute of beyawak python tool on your terminal so type this below command.

chmod +x *.py 

Step 4:

Now run beyawak python file on your terminal so type this below command on your terminal


How to install python package on termux?

pkg install python && pkg install python2

How to install git package on termux?

pkg install git

How to solve error in termux pentest tools?

Some times this tool not work on your termux. so you update your termux completely with this below command

apt update && apt upgrade

Otherwise this tool work properly if you have some other error means change python version like python3 or python

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