How to find out how many phone numbers purchased using aadhar card

In this article I’m going to show you how to find out how many phone numbers purchased using aadhar card. Now all cellular networks ask aadhar card for individual verification

But sometimes some people using other person aadharcard to buy mobile number. to this day can’t to find who using other aadhar card but now the Government introducing one way to check your aadhar number linked phone numbers. so now you can find easily using this way

How to find out how many phone numbers purchased using aadhar card

Step 1:

First you will go this website I provide the website link in below

Check aadhar

how to find aadhar linked phone number

Step 2:

Now type your phone number and request OTP once you received your OTP enter after that it will show how many phone numbers linked with your aadhar number

How to find out how many phone numbers purchased using aadhar card
List of mobile number


In this you can not try using your aadhar number but using the aadhar number attached to your mobile number

Step 3:

If you doubt any unknown numbers linked in your aadharcard you can report easily. first you choose unknown number and after that click report button the number will be removed. you can also check status.


No action is required for the numbers you need to retain

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