2021 new phishing termux tool - T-phish

In this article I’m going to show you 2021 new phishing tool. This tool have more option’s specifically for Facebook once your victim click your link and type any data you will get all information on your terminal.


  1. Termux or linux
  2. Ngrok
  3. If you use termux your hotspot should be on

Special Feature

  1. FB – photo phish
  2. FB – group phish
  3. Facebook verifi
  4. Instagram followers phish
  5. IPFinder

How to install and use 2021 new phishing tool

Step 1:

The tool name T-phish first we need download this tool on our terminal so type this link or click this below download button.

git clone https://github.com/0xarman/T-Phish.git

Step 2:

Now extract T-phish zip file on your terminal so type this below command on your terminal

unzip T-Phish

Step 3:

Now you change your directory root to T-phish directory so type this below command on your terminal.

cd T-Phish

Step 4:

Now give permission to read write and execute of all bash scripts on your terminal so type this below command on your terminal.

chmod +x *.sh

Step 5:

Now you just execute start.sh bash script this script install all requirements on your terminal

2021 new termux phishing tools
install ngrok

Once you complete this above all steps you need to install Ngrok token so copy and past your ngrok token on your terminal if you not do this your phishing link not work properly.

2021 termux tools
Ngrok Token

Step 6:

Once you complete above all the steps type this below command on your terminal this command will help you to run this phishing tool on your terminal.

bash phish.sh

Phishing tool 2021
Run Script

Phishing options

new termux hacking tool for 2021
phishing options

Now you choose which option you want for an example I choose for number 4 FB – group phish. once i sent this phishing to victim this page will be this below view.

2021 new hacking tool for termux application
Victim View

If our victim click to join this group means it’s ask for username and password once they type it means all the data will be capture and shown on our terminal.

If you want change group name means you can do this following way

Now you open T-phish folder and you can see sites folder just open that folder also see this below images

T-phish Folder

github T-phish tools
Site Folder

Now you can choose FB-goup phish folder and open it.

facebook phishing
open fb-group folder

Now you can see login.html file so click that file to edit and change the group name of which you want

how to edit html file
Edit html file

Now replace your group name on all this name appear place Comedy 😂Xpart 😍{GANG}✌✌

How to fix error?

If this tool have any error to make phishing link means you just make manually for an example if you want to make facebook group phishing link means you just open that folder and open terminal, Once your terminal will be open type this below command on your terminal this command will help you to make a phishing link.

php -S localhost:4444

how to hack facebook with termux
Make phishing link

Once you execute this above command on your terminal just share this below link to victim


victim view
Victim View


Don’t share local link because that link only work on local networks, so you use ngrok

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