Termux shell with Jarvis welcome voice and beautiful interface

Termux Jarvis – Hello guy’s welcome to another article in this article i’m going to show you how to install and use jarvis in our termux application.
Termux shell with Jarvis welcome voice and beautiful interface

Termux Jarvis

Qurxin is Termux banner or interface with parroto os shell and Welcome robot like Jarvis in Iron Man movie.


  1. Git package
  2. Python package
  3. Lolcat pyhton module
  4. Figlet package

How to install and use termux

Type this below command’s in one by one this command’s will help you to install this tool in your termux application.
    1. apt update && upgrade -y
    2. pkg install git python mpv figlet -y
    3. pip install lolcat
    4. git clone https://github.com/fikrado/qurxin
    5. cd qurxin
    6. chmod +x *
    7. sh install.sh
    8. exit

One Command Installation

apt update && upgrade -y && apt install git -y && pkg install mpv figlet python && pip install lolcat && git clone https://github.com/fikrado/qurxin && cd qurxin && chmod +x * && ./install.sh

Termux shell with Jarvis welcome voice and beautiful interface

Now we can sent unlimitited sms and calls without a phone number. For this tool works on bothe termux root and non root. this tool only for educational purpose don’t use other purposes.

How to remove this tool from termux

Just you type this following two command one by one to remove this tool from termux
    1. cd qurxin
    2. bash rvt.sh

I hope this article help you lot. if yes means please share your friends also. thank you

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