2021 new social media hacking tool for termux

 Hello guy’s Welcome to another article in this article I’m going to discuss about New social media hacking phishing tool. This tool have all social media latest login phishing pages.
social media hacking

What is phishing?

Phishing is a type of social engineering attack often used to steal user data, including login credentials and credit card numbers. It occurs when an attacker, masquerading as a trusted entity, dupes a victim into opening an email, instant message, or text message.


  • Android version 5.0 and above
  • Termux application
  • Git package
  • Ngrok
  • Openssh package
  • bash Language

Tested Platform

  • Termux
  • Linux
  • Windows
  • Ubuntu

Feature of Lord Phish Tool

  • Latest Login Page
  • Mask URL Added
  • 50 Fake Screen Option
  • Easy for Beginners

How to install Lord Tool for Termux

Step 1: Clone Lord package
First you download lord phishing tool so type this below command in your termux application.

git clone https://github.com/Ch33chOficial/LordPhish.git

social media hacking
Step 2: Change The directory
Now change the directory of lord phish tool so type this below command in your termux terminal.

cd LordPhish

instagram hacking
Step 3: Change The Permission
Now we need to give permission to read write and execute of all bash file’s so type this below command in your termux terminal.

chmod +x *.sh

facebook hacking
Step 4: Execute of Lord phish Tool
Now you just type this below command in your termux terminal this command will help you to execute this lord phish tool

bash lord.sh

all social media hacking tool

Once you execute lord phish tool you can see lot’s of social media templates now choose any one template which you want. I choose option 1 Instagram

hacking tool

Now you can see 4 option. Choose which option you want. I choose 01 traditional login page

new social media hacking tool

Now you choose port forwarding option I choose 4th option

NOTE: Choose only ngrok because localhost is not support wan
Step 5: Victim view
Now share your link to your targeted victim once your victim click your link you get this following information see this below image.
get password

If your victim type any data or user name password that also show in your terminal see this below image. You can able to social media hacking with this tool

username password

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