Zomato Phishing-Hack zomato account username and OTP

Hello guy’s, Welcome to another article, Now a days most of the people place food order in online platform and most of them using this website (Zomato.com) so in this article we i’m going to show you how to hack Zomato account username and OTP with phishing method
Zomato Phishing-Hack zomato account username and OTP


  • Termux or linux
  • Internet
  • Ngrok
  • Apache Server


  • Get victim Zomato username
  • Get victim Zomato OTP

How to hack Zomato Phishing Username and OTP

Step 1: Download zip file

First you download Zomato phishing script’s so click this below download button

Step 2: Extract Zip File

Once you download zip file extract it with this below password


Step 3: Host phishing page

If you using termux move that phishing folder in to your termux or if you use linux means open terminal in inside the folder.
Zomato Phishing-Hack zomato account username and OTP

Now just type this below command in your terminal (inside “Zomato-Phishing” Folder)

php -S localhost:4444

Now this phishing page run in your local host with port of 4444 see this below image.

Zomato Phishing-Hack zomato account username and OTP

This link only work with local network connection so you run your ngrok that will support all over the world. Once you get ngrok link share your victim

Step 4: Victim view

you victim click your link means that link will show this below image.
phishing page

Once victim enter username this page will redirect to OTP page

When victim enter his credentials, you need to go to original website and use those credentials to send real OTP to victim. Once he enter that OTP such OTP will also be there with you and you will be allowed to login the account before him
login page

If victim enter their OTP means this phishing page automatically redirect to original Zomato page and all victim data’s received to your terminal with a txt file see this below image

password file

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