DDoS Attack tool- Attack any website

A distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack is one of the most powerful weapons on the internet. When you hear about a website being “brought down by hackers,” it generally means it has become a victim of a DDoS attack. In short, this means that hackers have attempted to make a website or computer unavailable by flooding or crashing the website with too much traffic.


  • Android version 5.0 and above
  • Termux application
  • Git package
  • Python package

Tested platform

  • Termux
  • Linux
  • Windows

How to install and use DDos-Attack

Step 1:

First you download DDos-Attack package in your terminal so type this below command.

git clone  https://github.com/ProgrammerGaurav/DDos-Attack.git

Step 2:

Now open DDose-Attack folder in your terminal so type this below command

cd DDos-Attack

Step 3:

Now give permission to read, Write and execute of run.py python file so type this below command in your terminal.

chmod +x *

Step 4:

Now type this below command in your terminal this will help you to run this tool in your terminal.

python3 run.py

Now type your website start DDos attack

This tools sends bots to the website at 80 bots per second So eg: If the website has the capacity to handle 400 Users per second, then you have to run this tool in 5 different terminal Window.


git clone https://github.com/ProgrammerGaurav/DDos-Attack.git
cd DDos-Attack
python run.py


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