The best phishing website - Life time access

Hello guy’s already i post some phishing tutorial but all the phishing tool is working with ngrok or once you exit your linux or termux the phishing link will be expired Those king phishing tutorial only i post. Now we discuss about new phishing method. Using this method you will create any phishing link that link not expired (Life time access)


  • Android phone or laptop
  • chrome browser


  • More phishing page’s
  • Daily updates
  • You can access stored data at any time.

How to use this phishing page?

Step 1:

First you open this blow link this link will help you to access smikta website

Once you this website first you verify ” I am human” after that this website will be open

Once you open this website first you signup create you own account


Don’t use your own mail address. Use fake mail address.


Now login your account once you login This page will be this below image.

  Now you see lot’s of phishing page’s available for four languages.

Just you click the language flag you will open new window ( phishing page window)

Now you copy the link address 

Once you copy link address just share victim once victim click this link this page will show above image if victim type any data means just you click my victimes tab victims data’s available here. 

once you open my victimes tap that page will be this below image.

This is easy’st method to hack victim social media account and this link not expired you will access log time. 

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