Hack any Captive portal using MAC-spoofing technique

This script is using MAC-spoofing technique. This method is the only one which is present in all wireless and some wiredCaptive portals by design. Once a host is authorized by the Captive portal, its MAC and IP address are allowed
unrestricted access.
All we need to do is sniff traffic on the network, find a host that is authorized, and spoof its IP and MAC address.
Spoofing a MAC is dependent on your network card and driver but most modern network devices today support it.
The downside of course is that you have to observe someone already authenticated, but in places such as a crowded airport
lobby this may be less difficult than it seems.


  • Git package
  • Your linux system must be up to date
  • Sipcalc nmap

How to download and install

Now you type this below command one by one on your linux terminal this all command’s will help you to install this tool in you linux system.

sudo apt -y install sipcalc nmap

wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/systematicat/hack-captive-portals/master/hack-captive.sh 
sudo chmod u+x hack-captive.sh 
sudo ./hack-captive.sh


Tool specification
Tool NameHack-captive-portal
Author NameSystematicat
Tool size1.5 mb
AboutHack any Captive portal using MAC-spoofing technique
Language UsedShell
Price Free
Tested PlatformLinux


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