Termux basics : basic command's of termux

Termux beginner’s

Hello guy’s in this article we are going to discuss about most important and  basic command’s of termux. Let’s start.
So many command’s are available but we only discuss about most important command’s like how to uninstall package?,how to see installed package? etc.,

Termux most useful command’s

How to search package in termux?

This below command will help you to search for package is available or not 

pkg search ( package name)

for example 

pkg search metasploit  

How to install package in termux?

This below command will help you to install package on termux. 

pkg install metasploit

If you use this above command you will install metasploit package. if you need to install any other package should remove metasploit and type your own package name for example.

pkg install ( package name)

How to uninstall package in termux?

This below command will help you to un install your unwanted packages.

pkg uninstall ( package name ) 

 For example in above section i will install metasploit package. now i don’t need that package so i’m going to uninstall.

pkg uninstall metasploit

How to find install package’s in termux?

If you install so many package’s in your termux some time’s you will get confusion to which one you installed and which one you need. if you overwrite your storage take more. so once you installed means don’t install again. This below command help you to find all install’d package’s.

pkg list-installed

How to find termux supported package’s?

See so many package’s are available in web but all package’s not supported in termux. only some package’s supported so sometime you ask yourself how can i find supported packages list. Yes i will answer that question this below command will help you to find supported packages list.

pkg list-all 

This above command will help you to show all the package’s list. your install packages and supported packages.

How to find pkg install files location in termux?

This blow command will help you to find your pkg files installed location.

pkg files ( package name ) 

I hope this above all command’s will help you. this article only for termux beginners. more termux trick’s and hacks are waiting. i will tell some tricks on upcoming article. if you have any doubt’s means please ask in below command section. tankyou   

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