How to remove shortcut virus from windows & pendrive & sdcard with simple way

Hello guy’s in this article we are going to discuss about How to remove shortcut virus from pendrive,windows and sdcard with easy way. let’s start.,,

The shortcut virus is a common computer virus that hides your files and replaces them with shortcuts with the same file name. When you click on the shortcuts, the virus replicates itself and further infects your drive. The shortcut virus usually enters your drive via running a .exe file that contained the virus or from using a flash drive on multiple computers.

How to clean shortcut virus?

Step 1:

First you open your cmd ( command prompt ) as a administrator. This is an important step because you are going to remove virus that require admin privileges.

Step 2:

Once you open terminal you will choose you partition which one you need to remove virus. like you partition name D means you just type


Step 3: 

Now you type this following command on your command prompt. this will help you to remove virus.

del *.lnk

Step 4: 

Now you type this following attribute on your command prompt. this will help you to remove shortcut folder and completely remove virus.

attrib -s -r -h *.* /s /d /l

That’s it guy’s Now you check it. you disk shortcut virus completely removed. if you have doubt mean’s you will command below. Thankyou.

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