How to install FAQUE tool in termux

FAQUE tool – Hello guy’s in this article we are going to discuss about how to install FAQUE tool in termux. This is one of the best phishing tool.


  • Android version 5.0 and above
  • Termux
  • Git
  • Ngrok

How to install FAQUE tool?

Step 1:

First you install git package this package will help you to clone the package so type this below command to install git.

pkg install git

Step 2:

Once you install git package type this below command to install FAQUE tool.

git clone

Step 3:

Now you type this below command this command will help you to open FAQUE folder.

cd FAQUEHow to install FAQUE tool in termux

Step 4:

 Now we need to give the permission of read-write and execute to the bash file by using the command.

chmod +x

How to install FAQUE tool in termux

Step 5:

Now you just type this below command this command will help you to run this script.


How to install FAQUE tool in termux

Now it will ask spoofing email you type which you want EX:

How to install FAQUE tool in termux

Once you type spoofing email it will ask receptor email (victim email)

how to phish mail

Now it will ask title of message,

how to spoof email

And finally it will ask conformation if you type “Y” means it will be sent successfully. I hope this article will be help you. If you need this kind of article please follow me. Thankyou.

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