Clipboardme - Hack clipboard content using a link with termux

Clipboardme – Hello guys in this article we are going to discuss how to hack clipboard content using a link with termux


  • Termux application
  • android 5.0 and above
  • internet

How to download and use Clipboardme?

Step 1: First of all, open the termux application and update the termux package list. so type the following command. 

apt update

Step 2:

After an update of the termux package, we will install the git package. this git package will help you to clone the package so type the following command

pkg install git

Step 3: 

After installing the git package we are going to clone the clipboard package into our directory with the help of the git command.

git clone

Clipboardme - Hack clipboard content using a link with termux

Step 4:

Now we have a clipboard folder in our termux root directory. now we need to open that folder by this command.

cd clipboardme

Clipboardme - Hack clipboard content using a link with termux

Step 5: 

Now we need to permit them to read-write and execute to the clipboard base file by using the command.

chmod +x

Clipboardme - Hack clipboard content using a link with termux

Step 6:

After that, you need to run the following to run the Clipboard.


Clipboardme - Hack clipboard content using a link with termuxClipboardme - Hack clipboard content using a link with termux

Step 7:

Now we have two options to choose a port forwarding tool. I prefer ngrok but you can use if needed.

hack clibord tex

Step 8:

The link will be created as shown above image. Once the target opens the link the clipboard content will be copied as well

Browser compatibility:

Chrome 66, Opera 53, chrome for android older versions, opera for android older versions. if the browser is updated then the hack will work but you will see the following permission request. victim view  if that victim click allows button then you will receive the clipboard_backup.txt file in your termux clipboardme folder.  hacked information   Step 9: If you want to check the content copied then just open the clipboard_backup.txt file as shown below you can use the following commands. cd clipboardme cat clipboard_backup.txthow to see hacked information


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