ToRat is a Remote Administation tool written in Go using Tor as a transport mechanism

A Cross Platform Remote Administration tool written in Go using Tor as its transport mechanism currently supporting Windows, Linux, MacOS clients.

How to use the ToRat Docker Image

First of all you type this below command’s one by one in your linux terminal.

git clone 

cd ./ToRat 
sudo docker build . -t torat 
sudo docker run -it -v “$(pwd)”/dist:/dist_ext torat


Install Docker on Linux

How to install?

Clone this repo via git

git clone

Change Directory to ToRat

cd ./ToRat

Build the ToRat Docker Container

you need to build a part of the container yourself to get a own onion address and certificate all prerequisites are met by the prebuilt torat-pre image in other to make quick build times possible

sudo docker build . -t torat

Run the container

  • will drop directly into the ToRat Server shell
  • the -v flag copies the compiled binaries to the host file system
  • to connect a machine to the server shell just run one of the client binaries on another system

sudo docker run -it -v “$(pwd)”/dist:/dist_ext torat

In another shell run the client.

sudo chown $USER dist/ -R cd dist/dist/client/ ./client_linux

See the client connect

In your Server shell you should now see something like [+] New Client H9H2FHFuvUs9Jz8U connected! You can now select this client by running select in the Server Shell which will give you a nice interactive chooser for the client you want to connect to. After you choose a client you drop in an interactive shell on the client system.

Current feature

  1. RPC (Remote procedure Call) based communication for easy addition of new functionallity
  2. Automatic upx leads to client binaries of ~6MB with embedded Tor
  3. the ToRAT_client communicates over TLS encrypted RPC proxied through Tor with the ToRat_server (hidden service)
  • anonymity of client and server
  • end-to-end encryption
  1. Cross Platform reverse shell (Windows, Linux, Mac OS)
  2. Windows:
  • Multiple User Account Control Bypasses (Privilege escalation)
  • Multiple Persistence methods (User, Admin)
  1. Linux:
  • Multiple Persistence methods (User, Admin)
  1. optional transport without Tor e.g. Use Tor2Web, a DNS Hostname or public/ local IP
  • smaller binary ~7MB upx’ed
  • anonymity of client and server
  1. embedded Tor
  2. Unique persistent ID for every client
  • give a client an Alias
  • all Downloads from client get saved to ./$ID/$filename
  1. sqlite via gorm for storing information about the clients
  2. client is obfuscated via garble

Server shell

  1. Supports multiple connections
  2. Welcome Banner
  3. Colored Output
  4. Tab-Completion of:
  • Commands
  • Files/ Directories in the working directory of the server

Command            Info
select                  Select client to interact with
list                       list all connected clients
alias                    Select client to give an alias
cd                        change the working directory of the server
help                     lists possible commands with usage info
exit                      exit the server

Upcoming feature



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