Twitter bruteforce attack

Twitter bruteforce attack – What we will show in this post is how to find the password of a Twitter account using a bruteforce assault. The programme we will use for this is bruteforce, which is totally built by shell script and can be installed and used in termux and linux.

What is bruteforce atatck?

A brute-force attack is a mechanism that application programmes employ to decode login information and encryption keys in order to obtain unauthorised access to systems. Using sheer force instead of logical strategies is an exhausting effort.

How to install Twitter Bruteforce attack tool?

To download this tool on your device, first input the following command into your terminal and press the enter button.

									git clone				
Twitter bruteforce attack
Output for downloading the twitter bruteforce tool

After downloading the bruteforce programme, change your directory to the tool’s directory. To install it, type ./ and press the enter key.

									cd BruteForcechmod +775				

Change The DirectoryGiving permissionInstalletion completed

After installing this tool run bash script in your terminal to execute it.

Twitter bruteforce attack
Exexute bruteforce script

Now select the 4th option and type your target’s username and then load the password file created for your target and press the enter button, after doing this your brute force attack will start.

Twitter bruteforce attack
Start bruteforce attack

Your attack will run better if you run tor before starting the bruteforce attack.

How to be safe your twitter account with bruteforce attack?

Protecting your Twitter account from brute-force attacks is very easy, first of all, you need to make your password very complex (ie: you must use the lowercase uppercase unique character in your password). Also, you need to enable two-factor authentication on your account.

If you follow these two above, no one can definitely hack your Twitter account through brute-force attacks.

I hope this post is handy for you and if you have any queries you can ask me through the command section given below.

Download Twitter bruteforce tool

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