evilportals - phishing using a WiFi Pineapple

This post will discuss the utility known as evilportals, which is completely integrated with CSS, PHP, and Java programmes and can be used in both termux and linux.

What is evilportals?

Evil Portals is a set of portals that can be put into the Evil Portal module and used for phishing attacks against WiFi clients to acquire passwords or infect users with malware using the Hak5 WiFi Pineapple Tetra and Nano.

This project necessitates the installation of the Evil Portal captive portal module developed by frozenjava. To install on the Pineapple, navigate to Modules -> Manage Modules -> Install. Download Modules from the Hak5 Community Repositories -> 3.2 of Evil Portal.

Install Evilportals

To begin, enter the following instructions into your terminal to download the evilportals utility on your device.

									git clone https://github.com/kleo/evilportals.git							
evilportals – phishing using a WiFi Pineapple
Output for downloading the evilportal tool

After downloading this utility, change your directory by typing cd evilportals.

									cd evilportals/portals/							
evilportals – phishing using a WiFi Pineapple
Output for changing the directory

Copy the portals you wish to use on the Tetra at /root/portals/ or on the Nano at /sd/portals/

									scp -r portal-login root@							

Alternatively you can use Filezilla to copy the portals

									Host: sftp:// Username: root Password: lamepassword Port: 22							

Finally, run the Evil Portal module on the WiFi Pineapple web interface and then activate the portal you want to utilise.

Following the collection of credentials, acquired data will be shown as a notice on the WiFi Pineapple web interface. Logs may be discovered by going to Modules > Evil Portal > Logs > View.

evilportals – phishing using a WiFi Pineapple

If you have any questions, please view the video lesson provided below in its entirety.

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How can you protect yourself from such attacks?

If you want to protect yourself from these sorts of attacks, you should not connect your device to any public wifi connection, and you should also be aware that no wifi connection requests social media login.

I hope you found this post helpful, and if you have any questions, please contact me using the form below.

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